Quantum Bioresonance
Detect the root cause of Frequency Imbalances in minutes with Quantum Biofeedbac Diagnostics
I am bioresonace practitioner, I hold full bioresonance therapy certification
Quantum Biofeedback Therapy is a holistic approach that seeks to restore balance to the body’s energy levels, which can become disrupted by chronic stress. Persistent stress can not only contribute to various health problems but also disrupt the equilibrium of our biological systems. This therapy uses a special machine to measure the energy levels (bioresonance) in different organs and tissues of the body. It monitors and records brain activity by detecting and measuring alpha, gamma, delta, and theta brainwave patterns. It identifies areas where stress has caused an imbalance in these energy levels.
The machine then sends mild electromagnetic waves to the body to rebalance and harmonize these bioresonance energy levels back to their normal state troughout a special Bioresonace headphones. By restoring the body’s natural energy balance, Quantum Biofeedback Therapy is believed to allow the body to heal itself naturally, without any harmful side effects.
This non-invasive therapy is combined with proper nutrition, lifestyle changes, and stress management techniques to provide relief from the long-term effects of stress on the body and mind. It’ considered a safe, natural approach to promoting overall well-being.
The problematic areas where Quantum biofeedback diagnostics can help. Bioresonance therapies have been shown to significantly benefit clients with a wide range of conditions including:
- Allergies
- Anxiety syndromes
- Autism
- Auto-immune diseases
- Brain injuries
- Candida Overgrowth
- Chronic Infections
- Chronic Pain
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Depression
- Dsylexia
- Eye diseases
- Fertility Support
- Fibromyalgia
- Gastrointestinal Illnesses
- Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Immune Deficiencies
- Learning Disabilities
- Lyme Disease
- Menopause
- Migraines
- Parasites
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- Psychological Trauma
- Thyroid Disorders
- Skin Disorders
- Nervousness or stress
- Asthma
- Side effects from drugs to treat cancer
- Fertility
- Long-lasting pain
- Constipation
- Loss of bowel control, also known as faecal incontinence.
- Fibromyalgia
- Headache
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Ringing in the ears, also called tinnitus
- Stroke
- Depression
Biofeedback is non ivasive procedure
- There’ no surgery involved.
- It might lower or end the need for medicines.
- It might make medicines work better.
- It might help when medicines can’t be used, such as in pregnancy.
- It helps people feel more in control of their health.